Join Becca Greenwood for a 50 minute video training on Abiding.
In this teaching, Becca discusses God as the gardener or vine dresser of the True Vine. He cuts off and takes away branches that do not bear fruit in our lives. He prunes, purges, and cleanses of impurity even the branches that continue to bear fruit, to make them bear more, and more excellent fruit.
This explains why some of us go through trials. Maybe we have been in a great spiritual place of growth and acceleration, but at some point God will take us through some experiences as if what He has given us is being taken away, to cause us to go higher and deeper in Him. Or maybe God asks us to do something that others have no understanding of and that seems different or contrary to the world around us. Others do not understand and might even question us or mock us for what we are doing.
We are now His friends. No longer servants out of duty, but His friends. He can confide in us. The Holy Spirit can share with us what the Father and Jesus are saying and doing. Pray and ask in Jesus name and it will be given to you.
Your Instructor
Rebecca is co-founder of Christian Harvest International and Strategic Prayer Action Network (SPAN).
From the time she was young girl, Rebecca felt a drawing of the Lord that she would be used by Him. Her mother used to tell Rebecca she was blessed and her father loved to sing a son entitled Far Away Places to she and her sister when they were small girls. Little did her parents know they were speaking her destiny into her heart and mind even from the time she was a young child.
In a prayer time in 1990 she felt a strong presence of the Spirit in which she was overcome. During this time the Lord showed her a vision of thousands and thousands of souls from many nations. He challenged her saying, Becca, will you be accountable for the souls I have assigned to you? Will you reach them for Me? Her heart captivated by this experience, she seriously responded to the mandate of the Lord to the nations. Since this Kingdom encounter, her passion has been seeing the lands of the world impacted for the Glory of God and reaching people with the gospel and setting the captive free. Her heart cry has become, Lord give me the nations. . As a result, prophecy, prophetic intercession, transformational spiritual warfare prayer, spiritual mapping, deliverance and teaching the word of God extensively in the many lands of the earth are the main thrusts of Christian Harvest.
Over the past 24 years, she has ministered in and participated and led in spiritual warfare prayer journeys to 34 countries such as Egypt, Nepal, Italy, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Ireland, Spain, China, and to many cities and locations throughout the United States in which measurable breakthrough of transformation have been realized.
Having a heart for lost souls, Rebecca has seen many saved and set free. She ministers in transparency from her personal experiences of overcoming fear, depression, rebellion and anger into freedom. She is committed to equipping in scriptural truths on how to live an overcoming life of purpose, fulfillment and destiny. And to equip people and churches to have a Jesus captivated and authoritative prayer life in which change and transformation are realized.
While she loves to travel the world and partner with the Lord in touching people’s lives, Rebecca’s favorite and most cherished times are with her husband Greg and their three beautiful daughters: Kendall, Rebecca and Katie. They reside in Colorado Springs, CO and are members of Freedom Church.
Rebecca has been a guest on TBN, Its Supernatural, God Knows and the Harvest Show. She has written for publications such as Charisma, Pray! Magazine and Spirit-Led Woman. She graduated with a Doctorate of Practical Ministry from Wagner Leadership Institute where she also serves as a core faculty member.
She is the author of nine books:
- Authority to Tread: An Intercessors Guide to Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare
- Breaking the Bonds of Evil: How to Set People Free from Demonic Oppression
- The Power of a Godly Mother (ebook)
- Destined to Rule: Spiritual Strategies for Advancing the Kingdom of God
- Let Our Children Go: Steps to Free Your Child from Evil Influence and Demonic Harassment
- Your Kingdom Come: Encouraged to Intercede
- And was invited to partner with C. Peter Wagner in contributing to an Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views. An academic book discussing four theological views of spiritual warfare which will be used in seminaries throughout the United States.
- Defeating Strongholds of the Mind: A Believers Guide to Breaking Free
- Glory Warfare: How the Presence of God Empowers You to Destroy the Works of Darkness
- Discerning in the Spirit Realm: The Key to Powerful Prayer and Victorious Warfare